Frequently Asked Questions


RainWise MK-III Weather Station Support

Please see our guidance here for changing a Reed Switch Assembly:

Instructions for Changing a Reed Switch Assembly

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Please see our guidance here for changing a Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor:

This document is the instructions for changing your RH/T (also known as Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor) This is for the version 80 sensors, most recent for MKIII Products in 2019/2020.

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Please see our guidance here for changing Cables for your Weather Station's MAV or RH/T Sensors:

This document is the instructions for changing Cables for either the Mini Aervane or Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensors or Both.

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Please see our guidance here for changing the battery in my MK-III weather station:

Installation guide to install and change a 6V battery on an MK-III Weather Station

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Please see our guidance here for changing a Wind Sensor:

This is the part replacement instructions for a Mini-Aervane (also known as) a Anemometer. This is for the MKIII, and earlier version Weather Stations, Agromet, and Telemet Stations.

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Yes, you will need to have some type of receiving device to receive transmissions from the Sensor Assembly outside to be able to see your weather data.  This can be a multi display, an IP-100 network device, or a computer interface such as the CC3000.

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All MK-III Weather Stations produced since early 2019 transmit using a 2.4 GHz frequency.  This product line was previously known as the Long Range Unit.  It is now considered the Standard Unit as all previous versions have been discontinued.  Some previous products prior to 2018 and earlier transmitted using a 418 and 433 MHz frequency.

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The MK-III Weather Station is powered by a rechargeable 6 volt / 5 AMP Hour Battery.  It is a rechargeable battery that is recharged daily by the solar panel attached to the weather station sensor assembly.

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Please see our guidance here for troubleshooting rainguage no rainfall data:

This document describes in detail how to troubleshoot no rainfall data.

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If your Dashboard is not showing data ...

First, determine if it is either "no radio signal" or "Offline".  These mean two very different things, and will be troubleshot differently as well.

NO RADIO SIGNAL means that your receiving device (IP-100 or Telemet) is not receiving any data or signal from the weather station (transmitting device).  If your outside sensor assembly is easily accessible and you are registering NO RADIO SIGNAL feel free to power cycle the weather station (transmitting device) outside using the toggle switch on the bottom.  If this does not recover your signal within 30 minutes, please contact tech support.

OFFLINE means that your receiving device is not communicating with our servers here at Rainwise.  Typically indicating that it is not able to communicate with the world wide web (internet).  This has nothing to do with the signal coming from the weather station (transmitting device).  Your system could still be receiving data from the weather station, yet not able to send the data to the servers.  If it has been OFFLINE for only a short time your receiving device may have cached data stored in it temprarily, so please do not unplug or power cycle the network device until you first test your internet connectivity using other internet capable devices connected to your network.

Please feel free to contact tech support directly for further troubleshooting.


For company wide server status for please check here for any maintenance or outage reports:


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Please try refreshing the cache on the webpage. To do this, press Ctrl-F5. If that does not work, then please try opening the order in an incognito window (Shift-Ctrl-n) . For MAC users on Safari, you can use [CMD] + [ALT] + [E]

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Please fill out a repair request. Repair Request You will receive an order number via email. Please ship the unit to our address NK, 21 Creek Circle, Boothwyn, PA 19061 and add ATTN: to the order number you receive. You would be responsible to paying shipping to our company.

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Unfortunately, no.  The device is hard coded to 15 minute intervals to maintain low data consumption.

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The device is hard coded to 15 minute intervals to maintain low data consumption.

The timestamp reflects the last transaction with your TeleMet, which is set to a 15 minute interval.

Preset to :00, :15, :30, :45 of the hour every hour.

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To perform a factory reset on your Weather Oracle MK-III Multi-Display start first by removing any and all batteries that may be installed in the back of the display panel.  Once batteries are all removed press three buttons on the front of the display.

Press MIN, and then SELECT, and then BAROMETER.  Not holding any of them down, just three seperate button presses.  One right after another.  When you press on BAROMETER, press right in the center of the word BAROMETER.  If you successfully completed the factory reset, your windspeed will cycle through numbers really quickly., your clock will reset to 12:00 and within 10 seconds you should regain data from your station. 

Please note:  This process will remove any and all custom settings in the Weather Oracle MK-III Multi-Display.

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This is an indication of a bad humidity and temperature sensor. You can purchase a new sensor here: RH/T sensor Also it is recommended to replace the battery as well which you can get here: Battery

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Here is a video that shows how to adjust your indoor and outdoor temperatures, units of measure or Add or remove indicators to temperature readings: Video

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If it is necessary to remove the motherboard on your MKIII, here is a video that shows you how to do it: Video

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You will first need to create an account if you do not already have one. After you create an account, sign in. Click on your account name at the top of the page and select My Account. On the left of the screen, you will see Product Registration, select this option. Enter your purchase date, serial number and product name into the fields and then select Save.

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Here is a short video that shows you how to change the time or barometric pressure: Video

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